More Than Ten News Media Outlets, Including People's Daily, Gathered in Henan Mines To Conduct A Series of Interview Activities

Publish Time: 2024-07-15     Origin: Site

July 4th

Organized by the United Front Work Department of Henan Provincial Party Committee

People's Daily, China News Service, Central Radio and Television Network, etc

12 mainstream media outlets

Centered around the theme of "Walking towards Private Enterprises, Looking at Development, and Boosting Confidence"

Focus on Henan mines

Using new quality productivity to unleash the vitality of intelligent manufacturing

Promote the transformation and upgrading of the crane industry

Media Focus, Charm of Intelligent Manufacturing

1. Strengthen technological innovation, cultivate and develop new quality productive forces


Henan Mine has always focused on the research and development of various types of cranes and high-quality supporting components, empowering enterprises with new quality productivity and striving to create aerial material handling robots. We have established research and development platforms such as national enterprise technology centers, provincial industrial design centers, and key technology laboratories for cranes. Equipped with multiple experimental platforms such as 1200T large tonnage, a key component life laboratory for cranes, and a 3D inspection laboratory.

2. Strengthen and supplement the supply chain, innovate equipment, and create a competitive advantage in the entire industry chain



With the continuous improvement of automated production lines in various workshops of the advanced manufacturing demonstration park for the ecological industry chain of gear transmission heavy industry lifting, Henan mines have fully entered the stage of chain reinforcement and production efficiency, basically realizing the self-produced production of various key precision components such as complete machine manufacturing and processing, forging and casting wheels, intelligent lifting equipment, special cables, high-speed motors, and hard tooth surface reducers.

3. Quality first, quality assurance, providing customers with cost-effective products




Quality improvement, quality assurance, lean production, precision testing. From premium accessories to complete machines, we implement quality control throughout the entire process to provide customers and the market with cost-effective products.

4. High quality intelligent manufacturing, expanding the market, and deepening the cultivation of national key areas




 Henan mines have deeply cultivated key industry sectors, extensively expanded markets, successfully assisted national key projects such as wind power energy, water conservancy and hydropower, emergency rescue, etc., created new growth poles of benefits, and demonstrated the company's increasing intelligent manufacturing capabilities.

Moving towards the 'new' direction

Quality wins the future

Henan Mine always adheres to the strategy of high-quality products

With new quality productivity

Continuously empowering enterprises for high-quality development

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