Promoting Learning Through Training, "Quality" Is A Must Do | Special Training for Henan Mine 2024 Quality Month Series Activities

Publish Time: 2024-04-07     Origin: Site

Recently, the "Quality Month" series of activities are in full swing, with all miners working together to fully mobilize their enthusiasm and solidly carry out the "Quality Month" improvement action, contributing to the consolidation of the company's transformation and upgrading from strong to refined.

Technical Training

Dr. Xu Lei, the senior manager of the company, conducted training on "Research on Standard Techniques for Lifting Machinery", with active participation from employees. His work skills and service quality were effectively improved.

Security training

Quality is no small matter, safety is greater than the sky. The company organizes centralized quality and safety training, using case studies and on-site practical operations to remind employees to not only focus on quality, but also on safety.

Quality Training

The Quality Assurance Department organizes quality special training for each team. According to technical drawings and quality standards, carry out production operations, control each key process, and ensure that everyone participates in quality management.

Skills Training

The company's technical department, process department, quality assurance department, after-sales service department, and other departments jointly organize skill training to enhance employee quality awareness and enhance their professional skills.

Knowledge equips the mind, and quality is imperative. Through specialized training in technology, safety, and quality, the company has further enhanced the quality and safety awareness of employees, improved their quality management level, created a strong quality month atmosphere, and provided strong support for the high-quality development of high-quality mines.

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