Henan Mine standardization construction has achieved fruitful results

Publish Time: 2022-12-12     Origin: Site

The interview team visited and inspected

Standards promote innovation and development, and standards lead the progress of the times. Recently, the "Standard Henan" Construction Media Interview Group (hereinafter referred to as the "Interview Group") led by Hao Tao, Deputy Director of the Standardization Department of the Henan Provincial Market Supervision Bureau, visited the company's Smart Industrial Park and discussed our company's "Standardization Helps Lifting The construction situation of "equipment quality improvement and characteristic industry high-quality development" was investigated. Yang Jianfu, deputy director of the Xinxiang Market Supervision Bureau, Wang Guangming, deputy director of the Changyuan Market Supervision Bureau, Wang Hongbo, section chief, and relevant leaders from the Changyuan Lifting Equipment Manufacturing Industry Association accompanied them. Wei Xueming, president of the company, accompanied the visit and explained.

People's Daily and more than a dozen central and provincial media paid great attention to the effectiveness of our company's standardization work.

Wei Xueming introduced the company's technology research and development, standardization construction, market development, etc. He said that at present, the country has taken standardization as a strategic support for development. Relying on the national innovation platform, Henan Mine actively implements the standardization strategy, and uses standards to help enterprises develop innovatively, coordinately, intelligently, and greenly. So far, the company has authorized more than 500 patents, and participated in the formulation and revision of 43 national standards, industry standards, landmarks and group standards. Hao Tao affirmed our company's high-quality and standardized construction.

Cui Peijun (second from left), the founder and party secretary of our company, was invited to attend the opening ceremony

At the opening ceremony of the 2022 National Material Handling Machinery Standardization Comprehensive Knowledge Training Course that ended not long ago, as the main organizer of the previous conference, The standardization series work of Henan Mine has been unanimously approved by authoritative experts from the four national standardization committees of heavy machinery, industrial vehicles, continuous handling machinery, and logistics storage equipment.

For a long time, Henan Mine has been closely following the national standardization strategy deployment. With the care and support of party committees and governments at all levels, and under the guidance of the Crane Standardization Committee, it has actively implemented the standardization development strategy and used standardization to standardize enterprise management. Adopt advanced standards to improve product quality and service levels, enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises, transform scientific and technological achievements, etc., promote the overall improvement of enterprise technology through standardization, and continue to promote the transformation and upgrading of the company from strong to refined.

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