Henan Mine|Industry Standards Seminar Held in the Company's Intelligent Industrial Park

Publish Time: 2023-05-15     Origin: Site

On May 9, a seminar on the industry standards "Electric Hoist Bridge Crane" and "Electric Hoist Gantry Crane" (first draft) was held in the Henan Mine's intelligent industrial park.

Meeting Venue

Wang Shunting, secretary-general of the National Hoisting Machinery Standardization Technical Committee and deputy general manager of Beijing Hoisting and Transportation Machinery Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd., attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Lu Jianhu, director of the National Lifting and Transportation Machinery Quality Inspection and Testing Center, Lin Fukui, deputy secretary-general of the bridge gantry crane branch of the Crane Standardization Committee, and director of the Standard Work Department of Beiqi Institute, Wang Guangming, deputy director of Changyuan City Market Supervision Administration,

Tang Hanzhang, deputy director of the Changyuan Economic Development Zone Management Committee, Ren Haitao, vice president of Henan Mining, Xu Lei, senior manager, and other relevant leaders, experts, and more than 20 members of the standard committee from lifting companies attended the meeting. Discuss and exchange on the standardization of lifting machinery.

Wang Shunting Delivered a Speech

Hosted by Lin Fukui

Speech by Tang Hanzhang

At the discussion meeting, the leading unit introduced the revision process, main revision content and basis of the two industry standards "Electric Hoist Bridge Crane" and "Electric Hoist Gantry Crane". Participating companies in standard formulation and revision discussed two industry standards (first draft). Everyone spoke enthusiastically and put forward constructive suggestions.


Group Photo

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